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"EXHIBITING" Featured in Jewish Boston

JewishBoston wrote about my solo show "Exhibiting":

"Melissa Bernstein, founder and artistic director of Newton Theatre Company and a childhood friend of Boren’s, had been encouraging her to write a solo play based on her essays for years. “I told Sari her essays could be the basis of a one-person play,” Bernstein told JewishBoston. . . The two women created a fictional construct that Boren described as 'launching the rest of the play. It’s a frame that holds things together and goes to the whole story of being a child of survivors.'”

Writing about her survivor parents initially gave Boren pause. “I wondered how much of this story was mine to tell?” she said. “I didn’t want to exploit my family’s story for my own gain.” Bernstein said that although Boren is the child of Holocaust survivors, “This is not a sentimental play or her eliciting sympathy. ‘Exhibiting’ is partly about why Sari can’t read her father’s published book about his experiences in the Holocaust. It’s a pressing question she has made as one of the themes of her play. It’s a dramatic question with an arc.”

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